St. Bernard’s offers able young boys of diverse backgrounds an exceptionally thorough, rigorous, and enjoyable introduction to learning and community life. We wish to inspire boys to value hard work and fair play, to develop confidence, consideration for others, and a sense of citizenship, and to have fun while doing these things.
An Ode to St. B's
It is important both to challenge boys and to show them great affection.
We all know what it is like when a line of poetry or a strain of music makes us gasp. In some magical way, the poet or composer captures a phrase that expresses exactly what we have felt or seen–but we, of course, could never have communicated it so well.
"An Ode to St. B’s” was commissioned to celebrate the school’s 120th birthday and made its premiere on October 4, 2024. The four-minute movie was written, directed, and filmed by The Film Guys in just two weeks.
To mark our 120th birthday, the students, faculty, and staff gathered in Central Park to form the Roman numeral CXX. One of our art teachers, Ms. Geraldine de Haugoubart, took the photo from the top of a ladder -- no small feat!