About Us

Faculty & Staff

St. Bernard’s has long prided itself on the quality of all its teachers and staff and on the relations among them.  The school succeeds because the faculty works hard and supports each other cheerfully.  Our founders spoke of “the contact of mind upon mind,” the charged connection between diligent, loving teachers and their pupils.  As a community we work hard and well, look after one another, and have some fun.

We expect St. Bernard’s teachers to teach carefully and responsibly, to form a class with its own personality while recognizing the value of each boy within it.  They understand that character, integrity, and kindness are as important as intellectual accomplishment.  St. Bernard’s wants its boys to pursue learning before grades, to take pleasure in helping others, and to do their very best with what they have.

Faculty and staff regularly attend conferences and workshops offered domestically and internationally on a range of topics.  Events typically include the International Boys School Coalition’s annual conference, the NAIS annual conference, the NAIS People of Color Conference, the Learning and the Brain conference, and many NYSAIS workshops.

List of 3 items.

  • 4:1

    student to 
    teacher ratio
  • 70%

    of teachers have earned
  • 11

    average years of
    faculty tenure 
    at St. Bernard’s
The school benefits from the dedication and loyalty of faculty and staff who have spent the majority of their careers here. Click on the link below to read about the experience of working at St. Bernard's from some of its longest-serving teachers and coaches.


  • Eric Brumfield
    Dept: Junior School
    Title: Grade III Associate
    Education: University of Louisville - M.A.
    Kentucky Wesleyan College - B.A.
  • Shaena Brusey
    Dept: Junior School
  • Amy Cestra
    Dept: Junior School, Student Support Services
    Title: Junior School Learning Specialist
    Education: Miami University of Ohio - B.S.
    Columbia University Teachers College - M.A.
  • Benny Chan
    Dept: Junior School, Technology, Upper School
    Title: Director of Technology
    Education: Baruch College - B.A.
  • Carlo di Fazio
    Dept: Middle School, Physical Education, Upper School
    Title: Director of Athletics and Physical Education
    Education: State University of New York, Stony Brook - B.S.
  • Dana Feigenbaum
    Dept: Junior School, Mathematics
    Title: Mathematics
    Education: Middlebury - B.A.
    Bank Street - M.S.E, M.S.Ed.
  • Ginette Fertel
    Dept: Junior School, Middle School, Music, Upper School
    Title: Head of Music
    Education: Ithaca College - B.Mus., M.Mus.
  • Andrew Hagon
    Dept: Administration, Junior School
    Title: Head of Junior School
    Education: Middlesex University - B.A. (Hons)
    University of London - P.G.C.E.
  • Sebastian Herrera
    Dept: Physical Education
    Education: Williston Northampton
    Bucknell - Bachelor's Degree of Art
  • Eric Hill
    Dept: Junior School, Middle School, Physical Education, Student Support Services, Upper School
    Title: Physical Education, Learning Support
    Education: Keene State College - B.S.
  • Daniel Jacala
    Dept: Junior School, Middle School, Music, Science, Upper School
    Title: Assistant to Music and Science
    Education: State University of New York, Stony Brook - B.A.
  • Zachary Kahn
    Dept: Junior School, Middle School, Student Support Services, Upper School
    Title: Psychologist
    Education: Hamilton - B.A.
    City University of New York, Graduate Center - Ph.D.
  • Anthony Keene
    Dept: Junior School, Mathematics, Middle School, Secondary School Advising, Upper School
    Title: Head of Mathematics, Secondary School Advisor
    Education: Columbia - B.A., M.A.
  • Morgan Leff
    Dept: Junior School
    Title: Grade III
    Education: University of Miami - BA
    Sarah Lawrence University - MS
  • Mark Manczuk
    Dept: Junior School, Science
    Title: Science
    Education: Northeastern - B.S.
    Pace - M.S.
  • Allison Martin
    Dept: Administration
    Title: School Nurse
  • Evan Moraitis
    Dept: Administration, English, Mathematics
    Title: Assistant Head of School
    Education: Queens College - B.S.
    Columbia - M.S.
  • William Rachmiel
    Dept: Technology
    Title: Technology
  • Kate Reid
    Dept: Library
    Title: Library Director
    Education: University of Richmond - B.A.
    Washington University in St. Louis - M.A.
    Rutgers - M.L.I.S.
  • Megan Reitzas
    Dept: Admissions
    Title: Director of Admissions
    Education: Bowdoin - A.B.
    New York University - M.A.
  • Eugene Rice
    Dept: Junior School, Middle School, Physical Education, Upper School
    Title: Physical Education
    Education: Hofstra - B.A., M.S.
  • Jahsway Robinson
  • Ramon Rodríguez
    Dept: Junior School, Middle School, Student Support Services, Upper School, Art
    Title: Director of Student Life, Guidance Counselor
    Education: Colgate - B.A.
    Florida International University - M.A.
    New York University - M.A.
  • Dominic Salerno
    Dept: Technology, Art
    Title: Information Technology Specialist
    Education: CUNY Lehman College - BA Studio Art
    Mercy College - MS Cyber Security
  • Nina Sapers
    Dept: Junior School
    Title: Junior School Associate
    Education: Harvard University - B.A.
  • William Schneidmuller
    Dept: Junior School, Middle School, Physical Education, Upper School
    Title: Physical Education
    Education: Dowling College - B.A.
  • Alexandra Shalvoy
    Dept: Junior School, Art
    Title: Director of the Good Heart Program, Crafts
    Education: Denison University - B.A.
    Bank Street - M.Ed.
  • Lily Siegfried
    Dept: Junior School
    Title: Grade III Teacher
  • Daniel Silver
    Dept: Junior School, Middle School, Physical Education, Upper School
    Title: Physical Education, After-School Director
    Education: Queens College - MSEd
    University of Richmond - B.A.
    Virginia Commonwealth University - M.S.
  • Tim Waugh
    Dept: Carpentry, Junior School, Middle School
    Title: Carpentry
    Education: New York University - B.A.