A list of firsts at St. Bernard's School, in chronological order:
First Boy (Winslow Pierce) - 1904
First Budget - 1906
First Sports Day - 1907
First General Knowledge Test - 1907
First St. Bernard's Play - 1908
First Shakespeare Play - 1910
First soccer match boys against masters - 1911
First faculty marriage (Mr. Jenkins) - 1913
First Hamlet - 1916
First Croix de Guerre (Jack Wendell) - 1916
First Old Boys Dinner - 1916
First Payne-Whitney Honor Prize - 1917
First St. B’s Summer Camp - 1919
First year 100 boys enrolled - 1920
First Giants soccer team - 1921
First Fathers’ Dinner - 1922
First Glenn Essay (Hero of Lost Cause) - 1923
First second-generation boy (G. Schall)- 1923
First Fencing class - 1924
First Boxing class - 1926
First Old Boy on faculty (Roger Platt) - 1926
First Pierrot Show - 1927
First Tabor Watch awarded - 1927
First undefeated 1st Team (soccer) - 1930
First Junior School Concert - 1936
First Book-of-the-Month Club author (C. LaFarge) - 1939
First carpentry class - 1939
First course in Physical Training - 1939
First Art course - 1939
First Board of Trustees - 1940
First St. B’s Dance - 1940
First woman receptionist - 1940
First full-time woman teacher - 1942
First faculty pension fund - 1946
First different Headmaster (RIWW) - 1949
First ringing of the Bells - 1953
First Junior Old Boys Lunch - 1953
First Book Fair - 1954
First Handwriting Awards - 1956
First slither of the Alligator - 1959
First Commencement - 1960
First Carnegie Hall appearance of St. B’s Consort - 1961
First ‘dog’ necktie for sale - 1962
First David King-Wood Shakespeare Play - 1963
First female teacher in Middle School - 1966
First Intramural sports - 1967
First lecture on dangers of drugs - 1970
First women teachers at Fathers’ Dinner - 1972
First Ninth Grade - 1973
First Fathers Dinner without apostrophe - 1974
First Grandparents Day - 1974
First yearbook, The Keg - 1980
First rock group at school concert - 1990
First basketball and baseball League champions - 1991
First Upper School speech contest - 1991
First Discipline Book - 1992
First flight of Vidal the Condor in Central Park - 1996
First kindergarten class - 1997
First Centenary - 2004
First toaster in the cafeteria - 2005
First egg drop in science class - 2014
First virtual Friday assembly - 2020